Case Study: Website Design for

Client: Zakai Eco Camp

Project Overview: is a tour and travel website specializing in promoting the beautiful Kaziranga Tour in India. The client wanted a static website that showcased the natural beauty of Kaziranga and provided information to potential tourists. This case study highlights the challenges faced and the key learnings acquired during the website design process.

Challenges Faced:

  1. Aesthetic Enhancement: One of the initial challenges was enhancing the visual appeal of the website. The client desired a visually appealing design that would attract potential tourists. While designing the sections, I learned that giving square boxes a slight round touch by using border-radius can significantly change the overall look of the section. This small detail added an aesthetic touch, making the website more visually engaging.
  2. Image Sizing and Positioning: Another challenge was fitting images within specific dimensional boxes without stretching or distorting them. To address this issue, I discovered that using the CSS background-size property with values like cover or contain allowed me to control how the images were displayed within their containers. This technique helped maintain the image quality and ensured that images were displayed in a visually appealing manner.
  3. Element Positioning: The client requested that certain elements be positioned precisely within their respective containers. This required a good understanding of CSS positioning techniques. Through experimentation, I learned the use of the position: absolute and position: fixed CSS properties. This knowledge allowed me to place elements anywhere inside a container with precision, enhancing the overall layout and design of the website.

Solutions and Outcomes:

  1. Aesthetic Enhancement: By implementing the border-radius property, I was able to give square boxes a rounded touch, transforming the overall look of the website sections. This added a more inviting and visually pleasing aspect to the website, improving user engagement.
  2. Image Sizing and Positioning: Using the background-size property with values like cover or contain, I could ensure that images fit perfectly within their containers without distortion. This improved the website’s visual consistency and made it more appealing to visitors.
  3. Element Positioning: Employing position: absolute and position: fixed CSS properties, I positioned elements precisely within their containers. This allowed for a more organized and structured layout, ensuring that key elements were displayed in the desired locations.

Key Learnings:

Throughout the website design project, I gained valuable insights into the following key learnings:

  1. The Importance of Small Details: The seemingly minor design elements, such as giving square boxes a rounded touch, can have a substantial impact on the overall aesthetic of a website. Paying attention to these details can make a significant difference in user experience.
  2. Image Management: Understanding how to manage images within containers is crucial for maintaining the quality and visual appeal of a website. The use of background-size property with cover or contain values proved to be a valuable tool for this purpose.
  3. CSS Positioning Techniques: Proficiency in CSS positioning properties, such as position: absolute and position: fixed, is essential for controlling the layout and positioning of elements on a web page. This knowledge enables a designer to create visually pleasing and structured designs.

In conclusion, the website design project presented challenges that led to valuable learnings, ultimately resulting in a visually appealing and user-friendly platform for promoting Kaziranga Tours. The combination of improved aesthetics, image management, and CSS positioning skills helped create a successful website that met the client’s objectives.

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